Hi, I'm Blake Williams

I'm a full-stack developer living in Boston, MA. I currently work at GitHub where I primarily write Ruby/Rails and a bit of TypeScript. I care a lot about building the right thing and writing great code.

February 9th, 2014

Testing Ember with Jasmine 2.0

Testing can be hard and Ember doesn’t exactly have the greatest resources for testing. QUnit is the “official” testing framework for Ember.js apps and it has the most resources dedicated to it which can make using something like Jasmine a bit harder.

August 2nd, 2013

Double Click to Edit View in Ember

When writing my current Ember app I wanted a view where you can double click to edit an element and it will replace the current item with a textfield. Instead of writing multiple views to handle this double click to edit feature, I wanted to write a reusable view that I can bind a value to and forget about.

July 25th, 2013

How I organize my SCSS with Bourbon and Neat

I read Thoughtbot’s Style Sheet Swag quite a while ago but never really tried to implement it until a recent side project. As it turns out, this is much cleaner than using the asset pipeline.

June 28th, 2013

Developing Gems with TDD and Minitest: Part 3

Part 2 left off with our project having a post class that is able to parse YAML Front Matter from our Markdown files, and then process the Markdown as well. Now we need a way to have templates for our Posts as well as writing the files to our site directory.

June 25th, 2013

My Vim Setup With a Hint of Workflow

Everyone has their favorite text editor and their own workflow to go along with it. In this post I’m going to go over how I use Vim and what my workflow consists of when working on a Rails project. It can be interesting to look into how others work with their tools and compare it to your own workflow.